Friday, August 19, 2011

What does it take to be a top female sports/fitness model?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be one of Australia’s best female sports/fitness models and to get ready to take on the world?

We are fortunate enough to get an inside look into one of the very best… She is one of the Experts on Dre’s Fitness group and was gracious enough to share a sneak peek behind the scenes…

A day in the Life of Juliet Cotterill

I always like to start every day off with positive energy and surroundings so the first thing I do when I wake up is head off and do about 45mins to 1 hour of cardio whether that be in a gym or outdoors.

Morning cardio always helps me clear my mind, increase blood flow to my muscles and wakes me up for the day; it gives my entire day a kick start.

My cardio usually consists of low-moderate intensity workouts eg long walks 3 days a week and just recently I have incorporated 3 sessions of high intensity cardio training as I don’t want my body to plateau… these include sprints.

I enjoy changing things up and enjoy new challenges but two things I never leave the house with when going to do cardio is my iPod and 2L bottle of water. I believe you must stay 100% hydrated at all times!

The next really important thing in your day is breakfast. I always make sure I get at least 30g protein and 50g of carbs into my meal. My breakfast usually consists of oats, eggs, blueberries and cinnamon. I make a killer protein pancake combining these ingredients.

Example of Juliet's Daily NUTRITION

I try to aim for 6 meals per day, including 40g carbs, 25g protein and 9g fat per meal. My calorie intake varies from day to day as I try to trick my body from day to day. SO calories may vary from a high of 1700 to a low of 1300.

Meal #1
30g oast
5 egg whites, 1 full egg
100g blueberries

Meal #2 
200g blueberries
100g cottage cheese
18g almonds

Meal #3
90g chicken breast
100g tomatoes
100g sweet potato
10g almonds

Meal #4
90g tuna in springwater
250g green vegies
12g almonds

Meal #5
100g turkey breast
250g vegies
1 teaspoon of peanut butter

Meal #6
Night time Protein (Optimums 100% Casein Protein)

I try to eat as clean as I can all year round but when I’m not prepping for a competition or photo shoot I do like to have the ‘occasional’ treat like chocolate.

I also do not change much of the type of foods I have as I have found it alot easier to start prepping for a show when you have already trained yourself to eat clean and nutritious foods. It may seem hard at first but once you get the hang of it you actually start to just want to eat well and you feel alot less guilty as well.

You will also find you don’t get sick, you have energy, better skin and with the right training a killer body which boosts your confidence.

I do my weight training in the afternoon; it’s a good stress reliever after my day at work. I do no less than 5 days a week. I love the way it makes me feel, I love testing my strength and physical ability. It not only improves mobility, weight management and boost your metabolism it leaves you with a well defined fit looking body which can only be described as… Healthy!

I train my different muscle groups on a 4 day split and I believe squats and dead lifts are the two exercises that should never be left out of a program.

When prepping for a show due to dieting my strength drops so I try to keep the weight low and the reps high but any other time I train hard and heavy and there is not one training session where I don’t try to beat my personal best and push beyond my ‘pre-conceived’ limits.

I get asked a lot about how I train and should girls and guys train differently. The answer is... NO! I go just as hard as any male not just because I’m competitive but I have found that the female body reacts really well to heavy weight training so don’t be afraid to get in there and have a go.  

When I’m not working or training I find ways to just relax whether it’s reading a book, cooking or watching a good movie. If you train hard make sure you put time aside to relax and recover.

Thank you

"Be the best that YOU can be"

If you would like any help or advice on training, nutrition or competitions you can get in contact with Juliet through Facebook or email.

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