Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dre's Tip of the Day #1-10

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#1 - Have a PLAN.

Why do most people fail? They do not set goals and write out detailed plans on how they will attain the goals that they set for themselves.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#2 – Keep a JOURNAL.

By keeping an accurate journal you will guarantee that you are making progress, and if you are not then the journal itself will have the answers to why you are not making progress.

The journal is the "facts" of your training and it cannot lie to you unless you write down the information incorrectly!

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#3 – Stay well HYDRATED.

Water is often the most neglected nutrient. Dehydration leads to higher cortisol output; negative repercussions range from increased oxidative stress, to increased fat storage, reduced recovery and reduced performance levels.

As a rule of thumb you should drink 40ml of water for every kg of bodyweight.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#4 – REST between sets.

The amount of time that you should rest between sets is dependent upon the intensity at which you lift (% of 1/RM & Time Under Tension). If you are doing a rep range of (8-15) then you rest periods will be shorter (30-90 secs) - aiming for a 1:1 ratio is a good guide.

But if you are doing lower reps (1-5) then you will need longer periods (2-5minutes) between each set.

It has to do with energy restoration. The more reps you do the lighter the weight and the faster your body will recover between sets. The heavier the weight lifted the longer it takes to recover the energy for another bout of the same movement.

Rest periods are one of the variables that can be controlled and varied to change the intensity of your workouts.

Hence rest periods should be factored in to the design of your workout program.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#5– Get sufficient SLEEP.

As in the case of fat loss, sleep deprivation can also interfere with muscle mass gains. Lack of sleep lowers androgen levels and growth hormone levels, thus robbing you of some serious growth potential. Nothing nourishes, replenishes and restarts the system like 7-9 hours of quality sleep.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#6– Want big arms? – Train LEGS!

In general, improvements in arm measurement are related to gains in total lean body mass. A good rule of thumb is that for every inch you want to gain on your arms, you need to gain approximately 7kg of equally distributed body mass. In other words, to make significant improvements in your arms, you have to gain mass all over your entire body.

The fastest way... Train LEGS!

If you don’t train legs... how long will it take you to achieve this gain in overall lean body mass ??? The answer – too long!

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#7 – Having a positive attitude & high expectations... helps deliver positive outcomes!

Expect the best... demand the best... give your best – Now go DO...

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#8 – Calves

Always work through a full Range of Motion (ROM) – this is crucial for full muscle fibre stimulation and breaking the calf plateau.

Also ensure you employ techniques to stimulate both the Type II (Fast Twitch) muscle fibres of the gastrocnemius and the Type I (slow Twitch) muscle fibres of the solues to ensure overall calf development.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#9 – Build a balanced PhyZique!

Dedicate an adequate amount of time, work and effort to all the muscle groups so you will be able to prevent imbalances and the potential for self induced injuries. Always ensure your training program works both the agonist and antagonist muscle groups.

This is not only important to prevent injury... but if you want an aesthetically pleasing physique it needs to be balanced and in proportion.

Dre's Tip of the DAY
#10 – Discipline!

Discipline is the refining fire which turns potential & talent into ability and results.

Be consistent, do the things that others are not prepared to do - day in and day out!

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